
Born and raised in Pittsburgh’s Hill District, Lance Griffin’s interest in activism started early. A close relationship with his grandfather, the late district judge Jacob Williams, helped instill the purpose and fight as a child that would carry him into adulthood. Likewise, his love and respect for his mother, Andrea Griffin, sparked his consistent sense of responsibility to the women in his life, a prelude to his role as provider to his family and protector to so many.

Tragedy struck in 2002 as Lance’s little brother Jason was murdered on the same street the family lived on for many years. Turning pain into motivation, Lance had to quickly learn how to navigate life without his best friend. He turned his focus to music, an outlet in which he could express struggle and triumph. In the years following, he would see even more adversity affecting his personal life and the community at large: the untimely death of friends by the hands of police officers, poverty and a lack of resources in city neighborhoods, and the seemingly neverending slew of violence that plagued Pittsburgh streets. Always a doer, Lance…

Now a successful artist and entrepreneur, husband and father, Lance Griffin is poised to continue making a huge difference in the lives of the people of Pittsburgh. His brand Sour Life sponsors several outreach events including backpack giveaways for students in the fall and food and Christmas tree giveaways during the holidays. He is also on the front lines of every major social justice movement affecting African Americans in the city, most recently the murder of unarmed teen Antwon Rose by the hands of police officers. As Lance is committed to using his platform and voice to protect and empower his community, he hopes to serve as an example to others in the spirit of progress and change for those who need it most.